A Complaint Free World

Rev. Will Bowen of Christ Church Unity, Orlando had the vision of creating a world free of complaints. To help achieve this, he created the 'complaint free bracelet' (discovered by the Kalleinens whilst in Chicago), which you wear and swap to the other wrist whenever you complain. The aim is to break the habit of complaining by being complaint free for 21 consecutive days. It's not to try to stop people from being dissatisfied or saying what they want to change, but rather help people to see beyond the problem instead of focussing on it. To back this up, he explains that Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech is remembered for its potential positive solutions to bad situations, rather than the moment where it describes a metaphorical bounced cheque. 

The media caught on to this idea and it quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. People everywhere have used this simple act of moving a bracelet to transform their lives. One example is of a man who was reduced to a wheelchair after being shot. He used the bracelet as part of a process spanning a number of years of his life, when he reestablished his attitude as one of forgiveness. Instead of complaining, he prays for the best in the man's life who shot him no less than he prays for other people, and for good to come out of the situation.